We trusted Expedia based on past positive experiences but were horrified upon checking into Anaheim Executive Inn. The room was appallingly filthy dirty door handles, stained curtains, dark marks on the walls, and unclean bedding with white flakes resembling dandruff. Disturbingly, there were blo-odstains on the walls and bathroom curtain, torn towels, and a strong, overpowering detergent smell. Bugs were present; one even crawled on my finger, which we documented. The neighbors loudly smoked we-ed, and the smell seeped into our room.
After reporting the conditions, we inspected another room but found it reeked of ur.ine. Unable to endure such filth, we canceled our reservation and sought a refund. The front desk refused, directing us to Expedia. Despite repeated calls, Expedia offered no resolution, citing unreachability of the property manager.
This deplorable experience ruined our vacation. How can Expedia endorse such a disgusting property? We paid a lot for unimaginable filth, poor service, and zero accountability. One star is far too generous—avoid Anaheim Executive Inn at all costs!