Be very careful when you are looking to book this hotel. Don't just look at the rating, because almost all of that rating must be based on location. Look at the pictures, other reviews, read between the lines a little. This location was outstanding, but that's where good ends. The room was by far the smallest we've ever had in Europe. Unless you're traveling with just a duffel bag, there isn't going to be room for luggage...and you. The lighting in the bathroom is comparable to a night club bathroom, where you can hardly see anything while trying to get ready. Take a good look at the decor in the pictures. If you like it, no problem. On the other hand, for us it was the cheapest, tackiest, and most impractical decor i can remember ever seeing. The "crown molding" was literally wallpaper that looked like it had molding at the top.
Anyway, so proper due diligence on the room and don't just believe the rating.